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A wise person once said, “If you do something you love, you will never work a day in your life.” Not only will love of skincare bring you rewarding business opportunities, but you also get to reap the benefits of your craft. A gorgeous glow and healthy complexion can become a testimony to the quality of your business.
The love of beauty is something that will never die, which makes a skincare franchise nearly recession-proof. If you share that love of beauty, we have several reasons why franchising in skincare will be the perfect franchise for you.
When talking about skincare and beauty, it gets personal, which is why this market is a sensitive industry. Once customers build confidence and trust with a skincare line and commit their daily routine to it, their loyalty is highly sustaining. Achieving this trust takes time and a proven track record of business integrity as well as a strong reputation.
The skincare industry is complex, dynamic, and intimate. This important industry has an incredible influence on how people feel about themselves. That’s great power and responsibility for any business. Investing in a franchise with a stellar reputation and following provides you, as the franchisee, all of the research and advances needed along with a faithful line of followers to evangelize for your product. Just as with any franchise, it’s the brand reputation that minimizes your risk and maximizes your success.
Every year in the U.S., spas service 176 million visitors. The popularity started rising in 2014 when the number of visits jumped 6.7% and continues to maintain that same level of growth today.
Spa services range from luxury treatments to learning different techniques and products to support healthy lifestyles. Skincare products fall into either of these categories, so there is always room for quality skincare in most spas.
The average amount a customer spends in a spa visit is $88. Consider the number of spa visitors that come daily for pampering, and that creates a healthy stream of income. Most of the spa services either use or promote (or both) a product available for retail. Every customer has the opportunity to try it before they buy it.
Trying it is working, too! Skincare’s total revenues are $15.5 billion. Anti-aging skincare lines are easily breaking beyond $2 billion each year. From one generation to the next, women are still seeking the fountain of youth. Today they have found the perfect supplement with quality skincare regimens.
As a franchise consultant, I have nine franchise opportunities to share with you that specialize in skincare and work beautifully with spa services in combination with massage, facial, and waxing services. With an aesthetician on duty, your skincare franchise can easily be an excellent semi-absentee franchise opportunity.
These franchises are membership-based business models, and some are adding other services to encourage more membership.
Let’s get together and explore what franchise opportunities will give you personal satisfaction and ultimately joy while making a profit at the same time. You, too, can never work another day of your life, and you will look beautiful doing it!
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Toll Free: 888-838-9222
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Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed